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Environment awareness in schools and colleges
Managed by- Centre for Environment Protection and Research Development (CEPRD)
Project overview
Rs. 3,00,000
6 months
Project objectives
Proide lecture series and create awareness among the youth about environment protection.
Plant trees at the schools and colleges with the help of students.

About the NGO
CEPRD is a voluntary NGO which came into being on 6 June, 1996 as a result of the voluntary effort of the enlightened and environment loving citizens of Indore. Indore is also awarded the cleanest city in India continuously for past 3 years.
The organization has worked all these years on the principle of "Think Globally and Act Locally." We organise plantation drives, awareness campaigns, lecture series and also contribute to the master plan of the city. We focus on educating the youth and generate green habits.
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