Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
We help online businesse & brands to involve their customers in giving .
We'd love to hear from you
We support you at each step
We connect your customers to social causes in a single click

Find us on Shopify
One click integration
Check out our shopify app :

Customized Installation
Integrate our custom code
As per your website language
We help you put the donation
widget on your website.
Donation Widget
We help integrating the widget to your website.
The widget shows up on the checkout page so that your users can donate.
The users can choose to check the box each time they make a purchase and contribute to the selected project.
Donate during Online Purchase

How we help !
Aid-On collaborates with companies with a concern about the social impact.
Through easy to implementation channels, we help your customers to donate funds for high social impact projects.

Easy to use
Engage your customers to support a social cause, with a single-click.
Support a social cause relevant to your business.
Quick Integration
No interference with payment gateway.