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Is your company advocating any social issue ? 

90% of global consumers are likely to switch to the brand associated with a good cause.

Innovate and Impact 

We collaborate with companies with a purpose, individuals and trusted NGOs To support social projects

with high impact on community. 

Making A Difference

WhatsApp Image 2019-12-12 at 1.10.02 PM.

Education to blind children

Objective: To train 20 students with computer skills and typing abilities.

Distribution of free food packets

Objective: To distribute 350 food packets daily to the needy in government hospitals.

Free distribution of medicine

Objective: Provide 50 poor patients with medical assistance of any kind monthly.

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Companies with Cause


What do founder's think

“It was very simple and quick process to integrate the donation widget.

 Our customers have noticed the change and started donating to uplift the needy.”


— Ankit Mehta, Founder,

MMC Convert

“We could support social causes of our choice during the lockdown. 

Seeing the immense impact of the micro donations from our platform makes us trust them.”


— Vishi Porwal,

Founder,Indian Threads

"Our customers are foreigners and millennials who are well aware and respond to donating small amounts while booking their stay.

Aid On gave us an easy to use solution which was helpful and instant. ”


— Arjun Munjral,

Founder, Joey's Hostel

“If you’re in the luckiest 1% of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99%.”

- Warren Buffett

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